Pembury In-Person Game Starts on May 19!

Message from Peter Samsel (413-441-5934):

There are a few important things you must know:
1)	You will need to make a reservation, by communicating to me (email is preferred, second choice is text message, and if those don’t work, then you can call me on the phone).  With your reservation, you must provide the following:
•	your name & your partner’s name
•	phone numbers for both of you, which are required by the state for contact tracing, if anyone tests positive for COVID.
•	specify whether you plan to play in the Open Section or the 299ers Section.
•	if you need a stationary table, let me know
2)	We will only accept reservations for one week at a time, as I will have to limit the number of attendees.  If you cannot attend the first week, either due to your schedule, or if we reach our maximum number of players, you can sign up for the next week prior to the first game.  At this time, I cannot accept reservations for multiple future games, until we know what kind of response we get.
3)	You will need to provide proof of full COVID vaccination, either as you enter, or by sending a scan of the proof to me by email prior to the event.  You are considered fully vaccinated 2 weeks after your final vaccination shot.  If you do not provide such proof, you will not be admitted.
4)	If anyone is tested positive for COVID or has symptoms of illness, you must not come to the game.  If anyone tests positive after the game, you must let me know so the state process for contact tracing can be put into effect.

Pembury In-Person Game Schedule:
•	May 
In person:
Wednesday May 19, 26 at 12:30 PM. These games will include an Open Section and a 299ers Section, if we have enough players for each section. If there are not enough players for both sections, we may need to combine the two sections.
On-line: continuing on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays.  
•	June (subject to revision depending on May results):
In person:
Wednesdays: June 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
Fridays: June 4, 11, 18, 25   Assuming the Wednesday games are successful, with low COVID risk, we’ll add these in-person Friday games, in place of the online Friday game.
On-line: Continuing Monday and Tuesdays.
***To ensure safety while the pandemic continues, we will adhere to the following protocol: 
•	We will require proof of full vaccination, and will expect you to bring documentation of full vaccination at your first visit (unless you email it to me prior to the game)
•	We plan to take each player’s temperature as they enter (quick forehead temperature, as they do in hospitals and doctor offices)
•	There will be only one entrance to room (near elevator) to allow for the procedural checks (above) 
•	We will require all players to wear a mask at all times
•	We will make sure the room is cleaned and sanitized prior to every game
•	We plan to allow participation by reservation only, and limit signups to the number of tables which provide good separation in our available space
•	We have obtained air purifiers with HEPA filters, and will operate them prior to and throughout our games
•	We will provide no food or beverages;  players can bring their own beverages in closed containers, and must take care of their own garbage at the end of the game
•	Players can bring their own food only if medically necessary
•	We will provide sanitizer at each table
•	We will assign a bidding box to each player, to be taken with them from table to table
•	At the end of the game each person is responsible for sanitizing the bidding box they’ve used and returning it to the designated location.
•	Between rounds, North/South is responsible for sanitizing the table.
•	At the end of the game North/South is responsible for final wipedown of table and returning the hand sanitizer to the front of the room.

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