
Showing posts from May, 2021

Pembury Bridge Club Schedule

Due to Massachusetts relaxations of the COVID restrictions, we can now return to more comfortable game conduct. We are still requiring proof of COVID vaccination. You can show it as you enter, or you can email me a picture of your vaccination card. Last Wednesday, I was about to send a player home due to not showing me her vaccination card, but she looked through her pocketbook more thoroughly and found it! For the health of all of us, we are only providing bridge to fully vaccinated players. To be fully vaccinated, you must have received vaccination shots and waited two weeks after the last shot. Please do not try to attend if you cannot show documentation. Once you have shown your documentation on your first visit, you do not need to bring it again. Beginning Immediately, we will hold 4 games each week: Mondays – On-Line at 2:45 PM Tuesdays – On-Line at 2:45 PM Wednesdays – In Person at 12:30 PM at the church Fridays – In Person at 12:30 PM at the church We plan to offer bo...

Pembury In-Person Game Starts on May 19!

Message from Peter Samsel (413-441-5934): There are a few important things you must know: 1) You will need to make a reservation, by communicating to me (email is preferred, second choice is text message, and if those don’t work, then you can call me on the phone). With your reservation, you must provide the following: • your name & your partner’s name • phone numbers for both of you, which are required by the state for contact tracing, if anyone tests positive for COVID. • specify whether you plan to play in the Open Section or the 299ers Section. • if you need a stationary table, let me know 2) We will only accept reservations for one week at a time, as I will have to limit the number of attendees. If you cannot attend the first week, either due to your schedule, or if we reach our maximum number of players, you can sign up for the next week prior to the first game. At this time, I cannot accept reservations for multiple future games, until we know what kind of response ...